Thursday, November 18, 2010

6 weeks in – Blog Update

So 6 weeks in what can I say.

Only how glad I am that I made the brave move to head across the pond. I must get asked over 5 times a day ‘So what made you come to Texas?’ and the answer I would have given before I left is still the same as now. Amazing hospitality, a feel of great opportunity, a real sense of community and a place filled with exciting things to see and do. My adventure so far really was better than I ever could have imagined....

I am just back from a friends 30th birthday party, she initially helped me during my search in dallas, even picking me up for the airport on my first day here – how long ago that now feels!! I baked her a cake using reeces cups – shown in the picture here – it was amazing and I can’t wait to re-create for you it some day!

I am making progress here in Dallas on the work front, applying for interesting jobs, networking and learning so much from all the new experiences that I encounter each day. Last weekend I voulunteered with a friend, we went to a really poor hispanic neighborhood and read to the children and helped them to read, that was really nice as it seemed many of them couldn't speak or read english very well.

So sorry I havent been in touch more,  but hope you like this post and i hope to follow up with more soon.


Chris Tetley said...

Hi Will looks like you're having an awesome time out there, great work with the cake. You're right about Texas, the friendliest people in the world, just ask Keith...

Got my flight to Vancouver next Saturday, making a little stop off in Fort Worth TX, sadly its only for 3 hours!

design in said...

A Reeces Cups Cake! Mmmmm I like the sound of that! Can you post the recipe up here for me?

Sounds fab!